The above picture also shows the equipment install. This could vary based on
individual setup.
The Chipmunk will balance right on the main wing spar. It is a very easy flying airplane
and fly and land very much like a trainer.
1. Before arriving at your flying field, be sure all your batteries are properly
charged and all radio system are in proper working order.
2. Fill your fuel tank making sure your vent line is not plugged or capped. This is a
good time to check for any fuel leaks.
3. Check all control surfaces for secure hinges by performing a slight tug on the
control surfaces and observing if there is any give in the hinges. Check all
control rods, ball links, servo screws, etc. for proper operation and installation.
4. Check your batteries and perform a proper range check once again with the
engine off and running. Be sure all surfaces are moving in the correct direction
and the proper amount for your flying setup.
You are now ready for your maiden flight! Good luck and enjoy your new aircraft!
If you have any comments or questions about this manual or the aircraft please