Wrap all bolt hardware in a thin layer of Teflon Tape. This
will be a little tricky with the bolts covered in a layer of
Lanolin oil/ or marine-grade grease, but it acts as a second
layer of protection to prevent your bolts from corroding
and fusing with other components of your foil. Wrap the
tape tight so it feeds through the threads of the foil
properly without peeling off.
In a clean, sand-free area, carefully coat all bolt
hardware, bolt holes and ALL connection points with
a layer of Lanolin oil or marine-grade grease. Coat
anywhere that parts touch each other to prevent them
from corroding and fusing together. Don’t forget the
inside of your front wing. A cotton swab works well for
this. Lanolin, or wool’s wax, is a natural oil that acts as a
lubricant and water repellent. If you have an allergy to
wool, be sure to take precautions or use a different oil.