Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • [email protected] •
Rev. 0.1 • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • October 17, 2021
2. Jumpers
Jumpers can be set per the diagram above. Please refer to the Si53119-A01AGM data sheet for a description on
how the pin states affect the device. (M--Insert link here to data sheet when it’s released.)
1. P15 and P17 disable I2C control when shorted.
2. P14 can be used to set PWRGD# (VDD or Ground).
3. P16 can be used to set outputs clocks to either 100MHz or 133MHz (controls the 100_133@# pin).
4. Jumpers J11, J14, and J19 are tri-level jumpers that control BYPASS/BWSEL, SA_0, and SA_1
5. P1 needs to be shorted to enable generation of VDD/2.
Default jumper setting on the EVB:
1. P15, P17 are shorted, disabling I
2. P14 is shorted to VDD (PWRGD# = High).
3. P16 is shorted to VDD (100_133# = High).
4. BYPASS/BWSEL, SA_0, SA_1 are all pulled low (J11, J14, J19 pulled to ground).
5. P1 is shorted to enable VDD/2 (needed for tristate input pin conditioning).
3. Input and Power Supply Sequencing
The Si53119 should be powered up with supply at both the VDD and VDD_IO nodes (at the jumpers available on
the EVB). A 100 MHz or 133 MHz HCSL input clock should be applied to pins 8 and 9, and should comply with
HCSL formats. There is no internal or onboard resistive termination, therefore HCSL termination needs to be
provided at the input if needed by the driver. The input clock should be applied only after the supplies are stable.
4. Quick Start Guide:
1. Enable supply on the VDD pin.
2. Enable supply on the VDDIO pin.
3. Apply input clock on SMA connectors J26, J29 and measure the return path clock on J32, J33 (as shown
Figure 4. Clock Return Path
a. The input clock measured at J32, J33 needs a 50-ohm termination on the scope.
b. The attenuation will be 1:10 after the above termination. Appropriate scaling (10x) needs to be set at
the scope to adjust for the scaling.
4. The output clocks are now set up and can be measured on an oscilloscope or frequency domain
measurement instrument.