acceleraTiOn SYSTeM
The skywalk MESCAL3 can be equipped with a foot-operated Acceleration-System.
THe DHv raTinG OF SOMe GliDer SiZeS can cHanGe DurinG THe uSe
OF THe acceleraTiOn SYSTeM in FliGHT. TO DeTerMine wHicH SiZeS
are aFFecTeD PleaSe cHeck THe TYPe SHeeT.
The Acceleration-system effects the A-, B- und C-Risers. Originally, all the Risers have
the same length.
During full operation of the acceleration-system, the A-, B- and C-Riser is shortened in a
certain ratio. The D-Riser retains its original length.
This way the perfect shape of the canopy is maintained even during accelerated flight.
See exact riser drawings on page 66-68.
Installing the accelerator equipment:
Most commonly used harnesses have pulleys for the acceleration-system already
attached. The acceleration line runs from the front through the pulleys at the harness
to the top. They are tied to the ”Brummel-hooks” at the right length.
With the right adjustment of the acceleration lines, the foot-bar can be reached easily
with angled legs during flight. By straightening the legs, the whole acceleration range
can be used.
Prior to flying, the connection hooks of the footoperated accelerator and the
acceleration -system have to be connected to each other (Brummel-hooks). Check that
the acceleration line runs freely.
By using the foot-operated accelerator the pilot
reduces the force via a pulley-system by half
and shortens the A-, B- and C- risers.
Accelerated risers illustrated on page 66-68.
The skywalk MESCAL3 is licensed for all certified harnesses of the GH type (harnesses
without solid cross-bracing). Be aware that the level of suspension changes the relative
braking distance.
FullY crOSS-BraceD HarneSSeS eFFecT THe HanDlinG DraSTicallY
anD DO nOT leaD TO HiGHer SaFeTY!
Summary of Contents for MESCAL3
Page 1: ...37 Manual Service...
Page 16: ...66 67 Riser...
Page 17: ...68 69 Riser Notes...
Page 18: ...70 71 TEST PROTOCOL...
Page 19: ...72 73 Notes Notes...