Control Throws
3/4” up and down
1-1/2” up 1” down
1-1/2” left and right
2” down
Preflight checks
• Double check that all control surfaces are properly glued by pulling on
them firmly.
• Insure that all control surfaces are operating in the correct direction
with the proper control throws.
• Insure that all wheels turn freely and that the plane tracks straight
down the runway. Adjust the wheels as necessary.
• Secure all bolts with thread locking compound. This will keep them
from vibrating loose in flight.
Balancing the Aircraft
Set the center of gravity by turning the plane upside down with the gear
in the retracted position.
Measure where the wing meets the fuselage
3-3/4” from the leading edge of the wing.
Add weight as necessary to achieve proper balance. Note: This is the
forward most CG. You can gradually move it back as you become com-
fortable flying the plane.
116. Carefully cut the exhaust stacks along the outside of the mold-
ed lines. Sand them along the molded lines and use 5 min epoxy to
glue them in place as shown. Clean up any excess epoxy with dena-
tured alcohol.
117. Balance the spinner by first painting it your preferred color (we
used Krylon red).
118. Assemble the backplate and make a reference mark on the
spinner and backplate so they can be aligned when the spinner is
assembled on the plane.
119. Use a prop balancer to check the balance of the spinner and
backplate. We fastened the prop balance adapter to the pointed end
of the spinner.
120. To obtain the correct balance, you can drill holes in the back-
plate or use a rotary tool and grinder bit to grind the inside of spin-
ner cone.
The bolt included with the spinner is 10-32 x 4”. This bolt can be
used with any Tru-Turn engine adapter.
Decal Placement
Wing (top and bottom)