Before beginning the installation, read these instructions and the enclosed driver’s “WARNING
NOTICE” thoroughly and completely. Also affix the “WARNING” decal in passenger compartment in
clear view of all occupants. If any of these items are missing from this instruction packet, do not pro-
ceed with installation, but call SKYJACKER
to obtain needed items. If you have any questions or
reservations about installing this lift kit, call SKYJACKER
at 318-388-0816 for Technical Assistance
or Customer Service departments.
Due to the inconsistency of vehicles when manufactured and the various options available, the
amount of actual lift gained by this lift kit will vary.
The amount of lift achievable will be less than stated if torsion bars have been previously torqued up.
However, the differential and CV angles will be decreased thus relieving stress caused from the increased
ride height.
A professional mechanic is needed to perform the installation.
Carefully inspect the vehicle’s suspension, steering and driveline systems. Pay close attention to
the tie rod ends, pitman arm, idler arms, ball joints and wheel bearing preload. Also check for
stress cracks at suspension-to-frame and steering-to-frame. The vehicle must be in excellent work-
ing condition, and any worn out parts must be repaired or replaced.
Read the instructions
the illustrations before attempting the installation.
Compare the parts and hardware against the parts listing to assure that the kit is complete.
Secure and properly block the vehicle on a level concrete or asphalt surface. It will be important
that the vehicle is also level side-to-side when on jack stands.
Measure the height of vehicle at each tire to check for any existing variances in vehicle’s levelness.
Always wear safety glasses.
Use caution when cutting is required.
Front end realignment is necessary.
Torsion Bar adjustment may be necessary to achieve desired lift.
If larger tires (10% more than stock diameter) are installed, speedometer recalibration is necessary
(see GM dealer or Tire Store). A Speedometer Recalibration Guide is included for assistance.
This lift utilizes the stock torsion bars which normally provide the best ride quality. After the lift is
installed, if suspension seems too “soft” heavier rated bars can be installed. If the vehicle is
equipped with light duty torsion bars, replacement with heavier rated bars can also increase the
front lift if desired. Various torsion bar replacements (such as those from a Z71 model, or light
ton bars, if vehicle is a Z71) are available direct from GM dealers.
#I-C256 (Rev. 4/04)
1988 and Newer, Full-Size 4WD
Kit Part #: C256K, C256KS (6 Lug Models) '80-'96
C2567K, C2567KS (6 Lug Models) - '97-'98