*Tip: e-Domotica manuals are written with great care. However, due to new
technological developments it can happen that a printed manual does not longer
contain the most recent information.
If you are experiencing any problems with the printed manual or you can not find what
you are looking for, please always check our website
first for the
newest updated manual.
Also, you will find frequently asked questions in the FAQ section. It is highly
recommended to consult the FAQ section. Very often the answer to your questions will
be found here.
11.0 Warranty conditions
A two-year warranty period applies to the SkyBell 2.0 WiFi Video Doorbell. When
having bought a secondhand e-Domotica product the remaining period of warranty is
measured from the moment
of purchase by the product’s first owner. The warranty
applies to all e-Domotica products and parts inextricably connected to and/or mounted
on the main product. Power supply adapters, batteries, antennas and all other
products not integrated in or directly connected to the main product and/or products of
which, without reasonable doubt, can be assumed that wear and tear show a different
pattern than the main product are not covered by the e-Domotica warranty. Products
are not covered by the warranty when subjected to incorrect/improper use, external
influences and/or when opened by parties other than us or SkyBell Technologies.