Folding up the kite
After you have fixed the bar safely, press the kite with a ruck-
sack or pour it with snow. Then you should reel the extenders
on the bar. Then, depending on the wind conditions, you choose
the way of folding the kite.
If the wind is not very strong and it does not interfere with
folding, you should place the kite on the ground with one ear
towards the wind and press it with some load (for example a
rucksack). Place the lines system evenly on the wing, so that it
does not get tangled. Fold the kite in bellows from ears to the
center. Then fold the received roll several times and put it into
your rucksack.
If the wind is strong, you can just roll the kite from ears towards
the center to put it into the rucksack asap. Then at home or in
the camp you should unroll it and carefully fold it at the first op-
portunity. If needed, dry it.
Care and storage
After every riding you should dry the kite and the lines unrolled
and delete the rests of snow if needed.
Do not keep your kite at sunshine, because the ultraviolet de-
stroys the structure of the material.
You should avoid dragging your kite on the surface to prevent
damages of wing and lines.
It is forbidden to wash the kite with any chemical cleaners. Use
a wet sponge to clean your kite.
Do not ride if the lines are twisted. They can melt and break at a
huge load.
Do not make any knots on the lines - this will significantly lessen
their strength.