Advice. Make sure the entire bumper surface intended for gluing the
cover was perfectly free of impurities and moisture.
- 3 -
- Place the matrices on the bumper as indicated in the figure (with the applied matrices
precisely copying the shape of the bumper). With a suitable marker draw a line for placing
the cover.
- Remove the matrixes.
- 4 -
- Place the cover on the bumper on the marked spots and hold it firmly. Use a suitable marker
to indicate the position of the cover in the central part of it.
- This procedure must be carried out by two workers.
- Put the cover aside.
- 5 -
- Tear off the protective foil from the double-sided adhesive tapes and put it to sorted
- 6, 7 -
- Place the cover on one side of the bumper in the right position -detail-.
- Then glue it successively along the entire length. During the gluing, keep checking the
cover for proper position.
- After gluing, carefully press the cover all over its length.
- With the cover glued as described above, the car must now be left in a secured area
(temperature of 18 - 30 °C) for 24 hours.
Advice. The glued cover must not be unglued and then glued again,
therefore make sure you position it correctly before the gluing itself.
The cover serves protection of the rear bumper from damaging it. Wear
of the cover caused by common use is not considered a defect, and
therefore does not constitute a reason for complaint.
When you hand the car over to customer, familiarise them with the
recommended 48 hour time inverval of not washing the car in a car