You share the areas you enjoy when operating your boat with others and with nature. So your enjoyment includes
a responsibility to treat these other people, and the lands, waters, and wildlife with respect and courtesy.
Whenever and wherever you are boating, think of yourself as the guest of those around you. Remember, for
example, that the sound of your boat may be music to you, but it could be just noise to others. And the exciting
splash of your wake can make waves others won't enjoy. Avoid riding close to shoreline homes and waterfowl
nesting areas or other wildlife areas, and keep a respectful distance from fishermen, other boats, swimmers, and
populated beaches. When travel in areas like these is unavoidable, operate slowly. Remember that pollution can
be harmful to the environment. Do not refuel or add oil where a spill could cause damage to nature. And keep
your surroundings pleasant for the people and wildlife that share the waterways: don't litter!
When you go boating responsibly, with respect and courtesy for others, you help ensure that our waterways stay
open for the enjoyment of a variety of recreational opportunities.
Foreign Species
If you trailer your boat from lake to lake, you may unknowingly introduce a foreign aquatic species from one lake
to the next. Thoroughly clean the boat below the water line, remove all weeds and algae, and drain the bilge
before launching the boat in a new body of water.
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