• Protect the seats from the weather and ultraviolet sunrays. Use a high quality vinyl conditioner containing UV
• Check the seat fasteners. Only Skeeter approved seats and associated hardware should be used in your
boat. These seats and hardware should be periodically inspected for wear, tear and/or fatigue. If you notice
these types of signs, please contact your Skeeter Dealer and have them replaced via the Skeeter Customer
Service for a nominal fee.
If your boat is kept in water where marine growth is a problem, the use of anti-fouling paint may reduce the
growth rate. Be aware of environmental regulations that may govern your paint choice. Contact your local boat-
ing authorities for information.
Cleaning Agents
Household cleaners should be used sparingly and not discharged into waterways. DO NOT mix cleaners and be
sure to use plenty of ventilation in enclosed areas. DO NOT use products which contain phosphates, chlorine,
solvents, non-biodegradable or petroleum based products. Citrus-based cleaners are excellent for marine clean-
ing purposes and are safe for you and the environment.
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