General informa�on:
The warranty card is dedicated to SKANDI KRAFT® devices. The use of the warranty is the right of the person who has
SKANDI KRAFT® equipment to which the warranty card has been a�ached. The warranty does not exclude or limit the
right to exercise the en�tlement related to non-compliance of the goods with the agreement, warranty or other rights
resul�ng from the provisions of law.
The purpose of the warranty is to grant consumers rights that go beyond those resul�ng from legal provisions, and
therefore, in the event of any interpreta�on doubts, the provisions of the warranty should be interpreted with this
The warranty card is dedicated to more than one country, with par�cular emphasis on European markets. Therefore, if
the provisions of law in a given country grant consumers broader warranty rights than those resul�ng from the SKANDI
KRAFT warranty card, then in this country the warranty en�tles consumers to protec�on at a level at least equal to the
provisions of law. The provisions of the warranty card that are less favourable to the consumer do not apply and are
replaced with regula�ons analogous to the provisions of law in that country. This principle also applies to entrepreneurs
or other en��es, if the law in a given country grants them rights that cannot be legally excluded.
Important informa�on:
Remember to read the Manual before using the SKANDI KRAFT device. If, despite star�ng the device in accordance
with the Manual, it does not work properly, we suggest using our free helpline: (+48) 733 848 489 or (+48) 668 176
610. Perhaps our employees will help solve the problem with the device and it will not be necessary to use the
warranty card or other rights related to non-compliance of the SKANDI KRAFT device with the agreement.
Terms of warranty:
1. The granted warranty is valid for:
● 24 months in the case of the consumer and persons to whom the provisions of law grant analogous and absolute
protec�on to the extent such as for the consumer,
● 12 months for other en��es.
2. The warranty is valid from the moment the product is handed over. If the product has been handed over in connec-
�on with the order placed with the seller, the delivery date is the date when the device is delivered by the carrier to the
buyer or a person authorised by them.
3. The person using the warranty should demonstrate that the warranty is s�ll valid. The basic document for demonstra-
�ng this is a receipt or invoice, possibly a transport document, but these circumstances may also be proven in another
4. The warranty covers defects revealed during the warranty period.
5. The warranty is provided by the manufacturer: NEMES POLSKA Sp. z o.o. or by warranty service centres authorised by
the Manufacturer (hereina�er jointly referred to as the "Service"). The current list of Services can be found at
www.skandi-kra�.com. If the warranty is used in a country other than the country of the Manufacturer's seat, and the
Manufacturer has a Service point in that country, the obliga�ons of the guarantor are performed in this country by such
a Service point.
6. Before delivering the SKANDI KRAFT device to the Service, for more efficient warranty service, please contact the
Service at (+48) 733 848 489 or (+48) 668 176 610 or by e-mail: serwis-skandi-kra�.com and send to the e-mail address
a completed warranty form, which can be downloaded from: www.skandi-kra�.com or according to the template
included in the warranty card.
7. When submi�ng a warranty claim on the terms described in point above, the Service may ask you to send photos of
the device or provide further informa�on. At this stage, the Service may take into account the warranty and inform that
it is not necessary to deliver the device to the Service, as it will be replaced with a new one, sent to the address
specified in the claim. The Service may also present a preliminary nega�ve posi�on as to the warranty claim, in
par�cular by indica�ng that the claim applies to wearing parts not covered by warranty. However, in the la�er case the
claim is considered made only upon delivery of the device to the Service, and the Service’s posi�on is only a preliminary
assessment of the claim, without verifica�on of a given device.
8. The cost of delivering the device to the Service is borne by the person using the warranty. If the claim is considered
jus�fied, this cost is reimbursed a�er prior documenta�on. This provision applies accordingly to the costs of returning
the device to the person who has used the warranty.
Summary of Contents for iTECH MIG 220 4R
Page 1: ...iTECH MIG 220 4R OPERATING MANUAL Printed on eco friendly paper...
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