Description of the sauna stove
The sauna stove is covered by a metal housing. The sauna stove has three (on sides and
at the back) double walls, which enable to decrease the safe distances. The stove con-
sists of a furnace with an ash compartment under it and a compartment for stoves for
the sauna hearth on top of it with a trapeze-shaped outlet
ue in the middle. An after-
burning chamber is located at the end of the outlet
ue. A narrow cast iron furnace grate
is installed between the furnace and the ash compartment. The door of the furnace and
the grate are placed so that they form a threshold that prevents
rewood from falling
out. The air needed for burning comes in through the ash compartment and the grate. The
after-burning chamber is equipped with a
ue ( Ø 11.5 cm), which opens into the chimney
on top of the stove. The trapeze-shaped outlet
ue is equipped with two cleaning-out
openings. There is a 5cm gap between the sauna stove and the housing via which the air
moves upwards when the stove is heated. The gap is covered with perforated sheet iron
on the top. The openings in the iron sheet create air whirls which prevent air out
ow. Due
to that some of the air is directed through the vents located in the sides and the back of the
stove walls so that the air is directing through the stones of the hearth between the stove
ceiling and the
ues. Via the vents the air moves the through the stones of the hearth and
between the
ues warming the stone additionally. Thanks to this kind of ventilation the air
in the room is heated intensively and rises to the intended temperature level in the steam
room within a short time. In all models it is possible to change the metal plate for a glass
plate or vice versa.
PS-210 model has an extra-accessory, which is a decorative bar for covering the wall
around the stove door, which is placed around the opening up to 3.5 cm on top and on both
sides. Decorative bars are made of black metal painted black and of stainless steel.
Putting into operation for the
rst time
The housing of the sauna stove is covered by heat resistant paint, which reaches its
hardness during the
rst heating procedure. Up to that time avoid scratching the painted
surfaces of the sauna stove. During the
rst heating the paint softens at
rst due to which
contact with the painted surfaces has to be avoided. Substances evaporating from the
painted surfaces may give off unpleasant smell and due to that the
rst heating may be
done outside or in a well-ventilated room on the installation site of the sauna hearth. After
heating the hearth in the steam room for the
rst time, you de
nitely have to ventilate the
room. The sauna stove is heated for the
rst time without hearth stones being installed.
Also water must not be thrown on the housing of the sauna stove during the
rst heating.
When heating the sauna stove outside, it is recommendable to install the sleeves to elimi-
nate the smell of the emitted substances.
Place of installation
When choosing a place for the sauna stove also the safe distances and distances required
for maintenance have to be considered besides the measurements of the stove. In front
and towards the depth of the furnace at least one metre radius of space is required for
maintenance. The sauna stove has to be installed far enough from in
ammable materials
(see Table 1). Discharge fans installed in the steam room may affect the operation of the
sauna stove.