AK28 HD/HD+ User Manual V1.1
2020 SIYI Tech All Rights Reserved
Connect AK28 HD/HD+ transmitter to your PC through an OTG Micro-USB cable
and in AK28 HD/HD+ system screen it will pop up “USB inserted, please confirm
before disconnecting datalink/videolink function and switching to charging or file
transferring function”. Tap on “Yes”, then open “Computer” file in your PC system
and find the new file driver detected. Copy the APK into the driver and you can read
and install the file through the “File Manager” application in AK28 HD/HD+ system.
AK28 HD/HD+ is a professional handheld ground station for enterprise UAV which requires
a stable system. Please do not install any application which does work for your UAV system
in case of any danger to flight safety.