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MicroLogix 1500 Controller Channel Configuration:
Whatever PLC program is running in the processor is not important; however the programming port
Channel 0 system port must be configured properly and the changes saved with the program.
a) Start up RSLogix and go on-line (this requires the 1761-CBL-PM02 cable connected to
channel 0). Double click on the channel configuration. Select Channel 0 - System.
b) The Channel Configuration must be set up so that the modem will properly communicate
with the MicroLogix 1500. Make sure that the following parameters match those of the
MicroLogix 1500 Channel Configuration.
To communicate to the Channel 0 port after making the following changes,
follow the directions below:
When the Channel 0 settings have been changed, the 1761-CBL-PM02 cable can be removed between
the computer and the MicroLogix 1500. The 1761-CBL-HM02 cable must now be installed between the
AIC module and the Channel 0 Port of the Micrologix 1500 processor.