c. Repeat the above procedure for each 90 revolution of the
instrument and check whether the level bubble is correctly
centered for all points.
4.1.5. Centering the instrument with optical plummet
Adjust the eyepiece of the optical plummet telescope to the
user’s eyesight. Move the instrument by loosening with the
center mark of the optical plummet telescope. Carefully move
the instrument in order to make it steady.
4.1.6. Final leveling of the instrument
Repeat procedure of 4, and check whether the level bubble is
in the center of the level vial. Finally tighter adjusting screw.
4.2 Power switch on
1. Press
, all segments of display with light on. The display
shows that vertical angle should be sent to zero.
2. Rotate the telescope to set the instrument to a vertical angle
reading of 0.
3. Press over 2 seconds, it can be power off.
symbol reticle center
1 2