Follow this procedure:
1. Remove load from the Safety Lock: Run the drive opposite to the load
direction. The drive's power must correspond to the weight of the load.
2. Apply the operating pressure to pressure port L.
Signal 1 “load secured” is no longer active.
Signal 2 “clamping released” is displayed.
3. Relieve the pressure at pressure port L.
Signal 2 “clamping released” is no longer active.
Signal 1 “load secured” is displayed.
Cross-check the two signals! The signals must not occur simultaneously.
Brief overlap times during switching are admissible. Check the correct pro-
cessing of signals in the machine controller too.
If the signals from the proximity switches are not unambiguous, the reason
might be an incorrect depth setting, see accompanying adjustment instruc-
tions for proximity switches. They also contain details of the proximity switch
holder type as well as all further information on assembly and adjustment.
If malfunctions occur, contact SITEMA. We will be glad to help.
9 Putting into service
This chapter sets out instructions on how to activate and set the various oper-
ating states of the Safety Lock.
Danger if the unit is put into service improperly!
Improper initial putting into service might result in serious injury and major
damage to assets.
Make sure all installation work has been completed as stipulated in this
Make sure there is no one in the danger zone.
Check the preconditions:
• The clamping rod conforms to the specification.
• Correct mounting of the Safety Lock, attending to the load direction and
tightening torques.
• Pressure supply has been connected.
• The holding force has been successfully tested.
• The proximity switch functionality has been successfully tested.
9.1 Releasing the clamp
The clamp can only be released with an intact drive. No increased force is re-
quired for release.
Operating Manual
Safety Locks series KRGP
Pneumatic / compressive load
Original instructions BA-S12-en-1-15
© SITEMA GmbH & Co. KG . G.-Braun-Straße 13 . 76187 Karlsruhe (Germany) . Phone: +49(0)721/98661-0 . Fax: -11 . www.sitema.com