7. Special Functions:
If you have the DICHESSXT model clock ver5.4, you can set
special features like that:
If you push down the Mode button, the number of moves
played will be displayed on the side of timer running. Among
this information, the last flag fallen (if any) and the increment
time is presented.
If you need to change this counter, maintain pushed this
Mode button till move indicator disappear.
Then using the + or - pushbuttons will change into the moves
scale (0-99). Push mode to exit change.
If you prefer to view always the seconds of player in turn,
push briefly (3 sec.) during play the +/start button, and the
seconds information of player in turn appears. To disable this
option push again +/start.
Basically for helping arbiter’s activity, we have added a
penalty option
Prior to enter, both timers must be stopped with the - /stop
push-button. Confirm there is no move indicator present on
display and push briefly the Mode button.
This action will cause a ' PE ' to appear – indicating the clock
is ready to make the Penalty action, adding to the desired
player 1 minute. Pushing the corresponding pushbutton
+/start or -/stop, increase a minute to Black or white player.
Maintained push produce decreasing of the corresponding
player’s time.
To exit from this option push again Mode button.
We wish that each clock has an ownership feel. For that, all
our clocks have his own serial number, which can be easily
If after turning on the clock, briefly push down the Mode
button, this will produce a number in central digits stating the
current mode of play. Pushing down - /stop & +/start
Buttons, appears on display:
is the serial number exclusive for your Clock.
The 5.4 (minutes) indicate the soft version.