screen of your Radio to see a visual indication of signal strength . If
you’re receiving a good Satellite and Terrestrial signal strength, you’re done .
If not, try some of the suggestions which follow .
Other Indoor/Outdoor Antenna Installation Suggestions
If you find you are getting a signal, but it’s inconsistent, try moving the
Indoor/Outdoor Home Antenna closer
to a window, ideally one that is facing
due south .
Not sure which way is south? Think
about where the sun rises (in the east)
and sets (in the west) . Then stand
so that east is to your left and you’ll
be facing south . Is there a window in
the direction you’re facing? Move the
antenna closer to the window .
Still not sure which way is south
or where to place your antenna? Look
up your location on an online mapping
Web site that offers satellite views of
street addresses where you can easily
see which way is south, and what
window may offer an unobstructed
view of the sky .
Another easy method is to start at any
window, then work from window to
window in a simple pattern to find the
window gives the best signal strength .
Note that the antenna must also have