Geburt und die nach einem bestimmten Zeit-
schema zu messenden Kreislaufdaten danach
erfasst werden.
Ich freue mich sehr, dass es der Firma Sinn Spezial-
uhren mit dem EZM 12 gelungen ist, eine Uhr „aus
einem Guss“ zu entwickeln, die meinen Anforderun-
gen an einen Einsatzzeitmesser für Notfallmediziner
gerecht wird.
Ich wünsche Ihnen mit Ihrem Einsatzzeitmesser viel
Freude, vor allem aber eine gute Zeit.
Facharzt für Anästhesie
Notfall-, Intensiv- und Palliativmedizin
Arzt Intensivhubschrauber
Ausbilder für präklinische Traumaversorgung
Already at the start of my civilian service 1990 in the
ambulance service and rescue service, it was clear
to me early on that a watch must not only be able to
indicate the time, but should also be robust. The
readability was frequently inadequate. In particular
in the twilight or when working at night, it was not
possible to read the watch by orientation due to the
indexes and hand being too small or not illuminated
at all.
During a mission, the glass of the watch was soon
scratched. Wristwatches became unsightly due to
frequent disinfection of the hands or even became
disintegrated. If one wished to clean the watch,
always a certain “patina” remained, due to
inaccessible joints and edges.
An indication of the date, with weekday, which also
could have assisted in “temporal orientation“ during
irregular shift work – non-existent. However, what
disturbed me most of all was that points in time, or
time interval measurements within the framework of
medical treatment could not be adequately
Dr. Eicke Neubert