Speed basting requires a light needle-thread
tension. When tension is correctly adjusted,
stitches up to 1 inch long should lie flat in firm
fabrics. If stitches are more than 1 inch long,
place tension on the fabric by holding it in
front and back of the presser foot, as you sew,
to prevent pucker.
Thread Tension
Select needle and thread according to your
fabric: a fine needle and a soft pliable thread
are recommended when basting stitches are
not to be removed before pressing, as in the
case of pleats or hems. Choose a thread color
to contrast with your fabric so that it can be
seen easily.
Thread the machine in the usual way and wind
the bobbin using straight-stitch settings. If you
insert a wound bobbin instead of winding a
new one, set the stitch-width dial on
raise the needle thread through the needle
Make sure the zig-zag foot and zig-zag plate
are on the machine and do not attempt to use
Even Feed
1. Set stitch-length dial for a short stitch in
the triangle above the FINE area. Place
work under the needle, lower the presser
foot, and take a few stitches to position and
secure basting start.
2. Reset stitch-length dial for the length of
basting stitch desired (stitches less than 1
inch long are recommended for seam bast
ing) and proceed as for regular sewing.
Stitch slowly, supporting the fabric in front
and back of the presser foot if stitches are
more than
inch long.
3. To secure the end of basting, set dial for a
short stitch in the FINE area and take a few
Basting a Seam
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