Appropriate safety devices must be provided for its
operation in line with those required in the area of
safety in the workplace.
IMPORTANT: The manufacturer cannot held liable
for any damage to property, persons and/or animals
caused by non-compliance with this provision.
To achieve an adequate level of safety, the electri-
cal system to which the machine is connected must
provide, at the user's full charge, an earthing system
according to the provisions of the user's country, a
circuit breaker to protect the power supply socket
with value ΔI (current variation) not less than 30mA
and anything else for a correct execution in a work-
manlike manner, according to Laws and/or Technical
standards in matters of safety in the workplace and
electrical systems. Prepare connections for earthing
the machine casing.
ATTENTION: These preparations are always the
sole liability of the user and nothing can be attrib-
uted to the manufacturer for damage to proper-
ty, persons and/or animals due to poor electrical
WARNING: the assembly of any detached units
and the installation of the machine must be car-
ried out exclusively by technicians authorised by
the manufacturer.
To allow for correct operations, the machine must
always be positioned in places that comply with
the environmental conditions described in this
The machine must always be positioned in a per-
fectly levelled area; levelling can also be carried
out using any adjustment systems present on the
ATTENTION: The machine must be positioned so
as not to obstruct the entry and exit of the air
from the cooling slots. REDUCED FLOW OF AIR
causes overheating and possible damage to in-
ternal parts. Keep at least 500 mm of free space
around the device.
IMPORTANT: Do not place any filtering device on
the air intake passages of this welding machine.
The warranty is void if any type of filtering device
is used.
Do not lift the machine by the FEEDER or genera-
tor handles.
The machine has a sturdy handle integrated in the
frame for handling.
N.B. These lifting and handling devices com-
ply with the provisions prescribed by European
standards. Do not use other devices such as lifting
and handling equipment.
In the case of inactivity, the machine must be stored
in compliance with the following precautions:
• Store the machine in an enclosed area accessible
only to employees; the storage area must have a
stable support surface with an adequate load co-
efficient and must be free of fire and/or explosion
risk; it must have adequate humidity and temper-
ature and sufficient lighting.
• Protect the machine from any impact and stresses;
• Protect the machine from humidity and high tem-
• Ensure the machine does not come into contact
with corrosive substances;
• In the event of prolonged storage, periodically
check that there are no variations in the condition
of the packages.
Installation preparations
For the installation, it is necessary to prepare a manoeu-
vring area suited to the machine dimensions and se-
lected lifting means. The machine must be positioned
so that it is ideally ergonomic and provides maximum
safety in the work place: leave an area around it large
enough to allow easy operations and handling of the
material to be processed and for maintenance and ad-
justment operations to be carried out.
Before installing the machine, check that the selected
area is suitable and has the necessary authorisations
to carry out the activity, sufficiently ventilated and il-
luminated, with a stable and levelled support surface.
For installations on a raised floor, check that the slab
can withstand the load.
Electrical system preparation
Connection to the electrical system which powers and
combines the synchronisation with other machines
should be done by specialised and qualified staff fol-
lowing the wiring diagram and arrangements set out in
Laws and/or Technical Standards currently in force for
safety in workplaces and electrical installations.
1.995.232 EN - Rev. 1.1