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Hz Key Chain Transmitters 2 and 4 channels

Read all instructions carefully before use.

Hz Key Chain Trans


1) Program the motor using a 
standard transmitter as per the 
quick reference guide

2) Press the programming button 
on the standard transmitter until 
the motor jogs up/down

3) Touch the programming 
contact on the back of the Key 
Chain Transmitter with a metal 
conductor (paper clip). The LED 
on the front will start to flash



Flashing LED

4) Press the desired front button 
while the LED is still flashing. The 
motor will jog. This button will now 
control the motor.

Repeat steps 1 through 4 for other buttons to other motors if desired.
Note: Only program one motor per button. The 2 channel key chain can be used 
to control 2 motors maximum and the 4 channel can control 4 motors maximum 

Programming Instructions


