SimpliPhi Power, Inc. | 3100 Camino Del Sol | Oxnard, CA 93023, USA | (805) 640-6700 | [email protected] |
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If a firmware update is executed on Victron equipment, ALL the settings must be
– Victron – Available Interfaces
The following interfaces are available from Victron to allow easy monitoring of the PHI Battery status /
PC software BMV- Reader. Downloadable from Victron website in the support and downloads
section. Uses the to USB interface.
Color Control GX display featuring a 4.3-in color display can be connected to the BMV using to USB interface.
If additional assistance is required, contact Victron Energy at: [email protected] or call Victron at
+31 (0)36 5359700.
– Program Settings for PHI Batteries
In order to maintain the Warranty, it is critical to ensure that the appropriate settings for the desired
Warranty are programmed in all the system components. This section will cover the basic concepts and
settings for the PHI 3.8 Batteries as well as settings specific to Victron products.
– Depth of Discharge
In order to optimize performance and the life of your system and PHI batteries, SimpliPhi Power
recommends programming the equipment settings for 80% Depth of Discharge (DoD). This qualifies for
the SimpliPhi 10-year / 10,000 cycle Warranty on the PHI Batteries. Greater DoD is possible, but will
result in reduced cycle life. Refer to the PHI 3.8 kWh Battery Warranty to compare DoD settings and the
associated Warranty.