User manual for RTD,TC,mV/4-20mA converter module SPT-86L
RTD input (resistive)
Pt 100, Pt 500,Pt 1000
Measurement range
-100°C ÷ +600°C
Measurement accuracy
± 0.1% @ 25°C; ± one digit
Measurement wires resistance
max. 20
(every wire)
Thermocouple input
K, S, J, T, N, R, B, E
Thermocouple input range
K: -200˚C ÷ +1370˚C
S: -50˚C ÷ +1768˚C
J: -210˚C ÷ +1200˚C
T: -200˚C ÷ + 400˚C
N: -200˚C ÷ +1300˚C
R: -50˚C ÷ +1768˚C
B: +250˚C ÷ +1820˚C
E: -200˚C ÷ +1000˚C
Measurement accuracy
K, J, E: ± 0.1% @ 25°C; ± one digit
N: ± 0.2% @ 25°C; ± one digit
S, T, R, B: ± 0.5% @ 25°C; ± one digit
Accuracy of cold ends temperature
± 1˚C
Temperature stability
50 ppm / °C
Galvanic isolation
Supply input together with RS-485 interface,
measurement input and current output are all
galvanically isolated from each other
Passive current output
range max. 2.8 ÷ 24 mA,
supply voltage: Us = 9.5 ÷ 36 V
load resistance 0...(Us - 9.5V) / 24mA [k
resolution: 12 bits
Communication interface
RS-485, 8N1 and 8N2, Modbus RTU,
not separated
from power supply circuit
Baud rate
1200 bit/s ÷ 115200 bit/s
Number of modules in 1 network
maximum 128
Data memory
non-volatile memory, EEPROM type
Protection level
IP 20
Housing type
Housing dimensions (L x W x D)
DIN rail mounted (35 mm rail)
101 x 22.5 x 80 mm