The Frequency, Polarity Mode and Symbol Rate
parameters must be assigned
by the user, that gets hold of the proper information thanks to targeted researches
on special Internet websites.
The Frequency
is expressed in kHz. To entry the right numerical string, work with
the numerical keyboard on the remote control. In case of wrong entries, push the
OK button on the remote control: the screen will display an alphanumeric keyboard,
that allows to erase the wrong entries with the Back button and to replace them
with the right ones. Finally, confirm the operation with the enter key on the keyboard.
To move inside the keyboard use equally the vertical and horizontal surfing arrows
on the remote control.
The Polarity
mode can be an horizontal or vertical. The user must be able to select
the right orientation, information acquired thanks to special Internet researches.
The Symbol Rate field (also known as baud rate) has to be filled with the right
speed: to reach the wished value, work repeatedly with the horizontal surfing
arrows (ascending order on the right and descending order on the left, with pre-set
increasing steps).
The Extend Search
function allows, if wanted, to extend the search of the
frequencies administered by the same broadcaster in the satellite stream. This
operation allows to add new channels to the user selection. The option - Yes or
No - must be defined in any case.