The Menus
36 - English
The histogram offers helpful information about the picture's brightness
(see page 27), but it may disturb the view on the screen. You can
therefore turn the histogram off when needed.
Auto PowerOff
You can have the device power off automatically after a certain time to
save battery power. If no operation is performed during the preset time,
the device will power off. To power the camcorder back on, press the
On/Off button (16).
You can choose between the power-off timers 1 minute, 5 minutes or
disable the automatic power-off function. The icons have the following
Auto PowerOff disabled
Power off after 1 minute
Power off after 5 minutes
TV Standard
Choose between the TV systems PAL or NTSC. NTSC is the colour
system used in America and Japan, PAL is used in Europe.
This function lets you delete all contents from your memory card and
renew the file saving structure on your card (formatting).
Attention! All saved videos and pictures will be erased
and cannot be restored. Make sure that all recordings
that you want to keep have been backed-up on a different