In the event of wireless data transmission,
In the event of wireless data transmission,
unauthorized third parties receiving the data
unauthorized third parties receiving the data
cannot be excluded . Lidl US LLC is not responsible
cannot be excluded . Lidl US LLC is not responsible
for interference with radios or televisions due
for interference with radios or televisions due
to unauthorized modification of the device . Lidl
to unauthorized modification of the device . Lidl
US LLC further assumes no liability for using or
US LLC further assumes no liability for using or
replacing cables and devices not distributed
replacing cables and devices not distributed
by Lidl US LLC . The user of the device is fully
by Lidl US LLC . The user of the device is fully
responsible for correcting interference caused
responsible for correcting interference caused
by such unauthorized modification of the device
by such unauthorized modification of the device
as well as replacement of such devices . The RF
as well as replacement of such devices . The RF
exposure compliance distance is 5 mm .
exposure compliance distance is 5 mm .
401854_2107_US-EN_02.indb 22
401854_2107_US-EN_02.indb 22
31/8/2021 17:15
31/8/2021 17:15