7.7 Included Plugin Options
Numerous plugins are available from the EmberZNET PRO stack. Notable ones are described in this section, along with their set op-
Manufacturing Library CLI
To assist with the manufacturing process, the occupancy sensor reference designs include the manufacturing library as well as the
manufacturing library CLI commands. On the factory floor, a unit that has been programmed with these images may be used to also
make radio measurements.
Theory of Operation
The purpose of the manufacturing library CLI plugin (or mfg-lib CLI plugin for short) is to allow access to commands that will put the
radio into test mode so that the radio modules can be tested at manufacturing time with the final bulb firmware images.
CLI Commands
Table 7.1. Commands for the Manufacturing Library
CLI Command
plugin mfglib mfgenable <0|1>
Set the token to pause plugin from scanning for channels to allow
for starting the manufacturing library before the stack operation
begins. 0 clears the token, 1 sets the token. The effect of setting
the token is that you will have 10 seconds after the next power-up
to preempt the stack from resuming normal operation and start
the mfglib.
plugin mfglib start <0|1>
Starts the manufacturing library, which will prevent network activi-
ty as well as enable the rest of the manufacturing library com-
mands. The argument dictates whether or not to track incoming
messages and provide receiver statistics on the incoming pack-
plugin mfglib stop
Stops the manufacturing library
plugin mfglib set-channel <channel>
Set the radio to the specified channel. Note: channel must be be-
teween 11 and 26 inclusive
plugin mfglib set-power <power> <mode>
Sets the radio power to be used for manufacturing library transmit
commands. The mode, enables or disables boost mode for the
EM35x series of chips.
plugin mfglib stream <start|stop>
plugin mfglib tone <start|stop>
There are additional CLI commands for use with the manufacturing library plugin. They can be explored by typing the command
"plugin mfglib " and seeing a list of valid commands. Above we are detailing the commands that are most commonly useful to an occu-
pancy sensor reference design during the manufacturing process.
As an example in using these commands, here is the procedure for starting the manufacturing library:
1. Connect to the reference design and issue the mfgenable command: "plugin mfglib mfgenable 1”
2. Power cycle the reference design.
3. Within 10 seconds of power cycle, issue the start command “plugin mfglib start 0”
At this point, any of the manufacturing library commands can be safely executed without interference from the networking stack.
For example to take measurements on a modulated tone on channel 15 at a power of 20, issue the following commands:
plugin mfglib set-channel 15
plugin mfglib set-power 20 0
plugin mfglib stream start
UG171: ZigBee
Smart Outlet Reference Design (RD-0051-0201) Kit User's Guide
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 0.1 | 13