UG171: ZigBee
Smart Outlet Reference
Design (RD-0051-0201) Kit User's Guide
Silicon Labs' compact and cost-effective smart outlet reference design is based on Zig-
Bee HA (Home Automation) 1.2 standard and can be used in conjunction with a ZigBee
HA 1.2 home automation system. This reference design kit features Silicon Labs’
EFR32MG1P232F256GM48 ZigBee Pro Wireless Microcontroller (MCU), the Si7021
temperature and relative humidity sensor, and the Si1141 ambient light sensor. This
document contains instructions and guidelines for the following: a quick-start demon-
stration and next steps, system overview and operations, hardware and firmware con-
siderations, and engineering and manufacturing testing.
This guide applies to EmberZNet PRO 5.8 and later.
• Quick start demonstration
• Recommended next steps
• Kit overview
• Device operation
• HA 1.2 and FCC certifiable
• Hardware and Firmware Considerations
• Ecosystem considerations
• Engineering and Manufacturing Testing
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 0.1