To o l St i c k - C a p To u c h S e n s e D C
Rev. 0.3
4. Getting Started
The necessary software to download, debug and communicate with the target microcontroller must be downloaded
. The following software is necessary to build a project, download code to, and
communicate with the target microcontroller:
Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Keil Demonstration Tools
ToolStick Terminal application
The Keil Demo Tools include a compiler, assembler, and linker. See Section “5.2. Keil Demonstration Toolset” for
more information about the evaluation version limitations. ToolStick Terminal communicates with the target
microcontroller's UART through the ToolStick Base Adapter. It can also read/write the two GPIO pins available on
the ToolStick Base Adapter.
Other useful software that is provided on the Silicon Labs Downloads (
) website
includes the following:
Configuration Wizard 2
Keil µVision2 and µVision3 Drivers
All of the above software is described in more detail in Section “5. Software Overview”.
The software described above is provided in several download packages. The ToolStick Download package
includes example code, documentation including user’s guides and data sheets, and the ToolStick Terminal
application. The IDE, Keil Demonstration Tools, Configuration Wizard 2, and the Keil µVision Drivers are available
as separate downloads. After downloading and installing these packages, see the following sections for information
regarding the software and running one of the demo applications.
5. Software Overview
5.1. Silicon Laboratories IDE
The Silicon Laboratories IDE integrates a source-code editor, source-level debugger, and an in-system Flash
programmer. See Section “7. ToolStick CapTouchSense Daughter Card Example Code” for information on how to
use the IDE. The Keil Demonstration Toolset includes a compiler, linker, and assembler and easily integrates into
the IDE. The use of third-party compilers and assemblers is also supported.
5.1.1. IDE System Requirements
The Silicon Laboratories IDE requirements:
Pentium-class host PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
One available USB port.
64 MB RAM and 40 MB free HD space recommended.
5.1.2. 3rd Party Toolsets
The Silicon Laboratories IDE has native support for many 8051 compilers. The full list of natively supported tools is
as follows:
The demo applications for the CapTouchSense Daughter Card are written for the Keil and SDCC toolsets.