8. Clock Output Circuits (OUTx/OUTxB)
Each of the twenty-four output drivers (12 differential pairs) is ac-coupled to its respective SMA connector. The output clock termination
circuit is shown below. The output signal will have no dc bias. If dc coupling is required, the ac coupling capacitors can be replaced with
a resistor of appropriate value. The Si5395 EVB provides pads for optional output termination resistors and/or low-frequency capacitors.
Note that components with the schematic “NI” designation are not normally populated on the Si5395 EVB and provide locations on the
PCB for optional dc/ac terminations by the end user.
Figure 8.1. Output Clock Termination Circuit
UG335: Si5395 Evaluation Board User's Guide
Clock Output Circuits (OUTx/OUTxB)
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