S i 2 4 9 3 / 5 7 / 3 4 / 1 5 / 0 4
Rev. 0.6
Figure 4. Standard Factory Jumper Settings—USB Interface (Outlined in Gray) (FS Option)
1.4. Power Requirements
The Si2493/57/34/15/04-EVB has an on-board diode
bridge, filter capacitor, and voltage regulator (U1).
Power can be supplied from any source capable of
providing 7.5 V–13 V dc or 7.5 V–13 V peak ac and at
least 100 mA. (Additional current may be required if a
speaker is connected for monitoring call progress
tones.) Power may be applied to the Si2493/57/34/15/
04-EVB through the screw terminals (J3), the 2 mm
power jack (J4), or the USB cable (even if the modem is
configured for RS-232 operation). The onboard full-
wave rectifier and filter ensure the correct polarity is
applied to the Si2493/57/34/15/04-EVB. Daughter card
power is supplied through voltage regulator U2 by
connecting JP7, pins 1 and 2. Daughter card current
can be measured by connecting an ammeter between
JP7, pins 1 and 2. Failure to connect pins 1 and 2 of
JP7 through either a jumper or a low-impedance
ammeter may result in damage to the Si2493/57/34/15/
1.5. Terminal and Line Connections
The Si2493/57/34/15/04 can be tested as a standard
serial data modem by connecting the Si2493/57/34/15/
04-EVB to a personal computer or other data terminal
equipment (DTE), phone line, and power. Connect a PC
serial port to the DB9 connector on the Si2493/57/34/
15/04-EVB with a pass-through cable. The RS-232
transceivers on the EVB can communicate with the DTE
at rates up to 1 Mbps. Any standard terminal program,
such as HyperTerminal or ProComm, running on a PC
communicates with the Si2493/57/34/15/04-EVB. The
standard factory jumper configuration has autobaud
enabled. Autobaud detects the DTE speed, data length,
parity, and number of stop bits.
If JP9 is installed, autobaud is disabled. Configure the
terminal emulation program to 19200 bps, eight data
bits, no parity, one stop bit, and hardware (CTS)
handshaking. Connect the RJ-11 jack on the Si2493/57/
34/15/04-EVB to an analog phone line or telephone line
simulator, such as a Teltone TLS 5.
1.6. Making Connections
With the terminal program properly configured and
running, apply power to the Si2493/57/34/15/04-EVB.
Type “AT<cr>”, and the modem should return “OK”
indicating the modem is working in the command mode
and communicating with the terminal. If the “OK”
response is not received, try resetting the modem by
pressing the manual reset switch (S1); then, again type
“AT<cr>.” Next, type “ATI6<cr>.” The modem should
respond with “2493”, “2457”, “2434”, “2415”, or “2404”
indicating the terminal is communicating with an Si2493,
Si2457, Si2434, Si2415, or Si2404.
Type “ATS0=2<cr>” to configure the modem to answer
on the second ring.
To take the modem off-hook, type “ATH1<cr>.” The
modem should go to the off-hook state, draw loop
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