Rev. 0.1
6.5. Remotely Updating Firmware Using the Bootloader
The CP2201EB has a bootloader that can be used to update its firmware over the network. The bootloader uses
the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) to transfer an image file from the PC (TFTP Client) to the CP2201EB
(TFTP Server). The transfer must be binary and the file name in the CP2201EB’s file system must be “boot.img”.
1. Open the main web page for the CP2201EB in a web browser and click on the third link ‘3. Update Firm-
ware.’ You should see a message saying that the server will no longer respond and that the bootloader will
shut down in 5 seconds.
Wait 5–10 seconds,
then the CP2201EB should appear in yellow with a text description “Firmware Boot-
loader” as shown in Figure 14.
Note: If the embedded system does not appear inside a yellow win-
dow, then keep searching until you see a yellow window with the title 'CP2201 Demo Board'.
Figure 14. Searching for the CP2201EB in Bootload Mode
3. Press the
quick launch button. When prompted, browse for the .img file containing the latest
firmware image and press OK. Note: Network drive paths beginning in “\\” cannot be used. An image
can be found on the CD.
4. Once the image location is specified, the command line TFTP client (standard on all Windows PCs) is
launched and bootloading initiates. After 10 to 15 seconds, a confirmation message will appear on the
screen. Figure 15 shows an example of a confirmation message following a successful firmware update.
Figure 15. Successful Firmware Update