Rev. 0.1
6. CP2201 Evaluation Kit Demo
The CP2201EK demo includes:
Monitoring real-time sensor data using a web browser.
Controlling the state of the yellow LED from a web browser.
Sending an e-mail containing the latest sensor data.
Monitoring real-time sensor data using the Telnet interface.
Remotely updating firmware using the bootloader.
6.1. Monitoring Real-Time Sensor Data Using a Web Browser
Clicking the first link on the main web page ‘1. View sensor data’ will load the embedded sensor data web page
shown in Figure 8. This page alternates between refreshing the temperature and the light sensor data every two
seconds. The temperature measurements are taken from the C8051F340’s on-chip temperature sensor and the
ambient light reading is taken from the light sensor in the bottom right hand side of the board centered above the
“CP2201EB” label.
Figure 9. Viewing Sensor Data
6.2. Controlling the State of the Yellow LED Simulating Yellow/System Status LED From
a Web Browser
The yellow LED on the Ethernet connector is used to indicate system status when first connecting the CP2201EB
to a network.Table 1 describes the system states indicated by the yellow LED.
Table 1. Yellow LED States
LED State
System State
Blinking (slow)
The MCU is waiting for a network connection. The Ethernet cable is not connected.
Blinking (fast)
The MCU is connected to a network and is trying to acquire an IP address using DHCP.
On (continuous)
The system has obtained an IP address and is properly configured.
Blinking (intermittent) The system has entered static IP address mode. Please use Netfinder to assign a static
IP address or cycle power to continue searching for a DHCP server.
Off (continuous)
A hardware error has occurred. Please cycle power.