B i o m e t r i c - E X P E V B
Rev. 0.4
3. Running the Demo
A Silicon Labs EFM32 Wonder Gecko Starter Kit (EFM32WG-STK3800) and a Silicon Labs Biometric-EXP (see
Figure 1) is needed to run the Biometric EXP Demo.
The Biometric-EXP demo application uses the Wonder-Gecko STK’s LCD to display sensor output and the two
push buttons, PB0 and PB1, to cycle through the modes of the demo. The full operation including startup is
illustrated in Figures 4 and 5.
3.1. Demo Startup
Upon reset, the demo will first check whether PB0 is pressed then store the result. It will then search for a
supported device on the 6-pin ribbon cable connector. If a Si1143-M01-PS or Si1147-M01-PS is detected, the
demo will automatically use that device for HRM measurements. In this case, the Si1146 sensor onboard the
Biometric-EXP will not be utilized. SpO2 is not available with the Si114x-M01-PS EVB's. If a HRM-GGG-PS EVB is
detected, the demo will display ‘Error’. The Biometric-EXP demo does not support wrist-based heart rate
monitoring. Please contact Silicon Labs to inquire about our wrist-based heart rate monitor solutions.
Following the search for a ribbon cable device, the demo will check the stored value of PB0 to enable or disable the
USB debug mode accordingly and display an USB On or USB Off message for one second. Refer to Section “4.
USB Debug Mode” for details on USB debug mode. Lastly, the demo will display version information then start the
demo in Heart Rate Monitor mode.