B i o m e t r i c - E X P E V B
Rev. 0.4
Figure 10. Windows Console Demo
To connect the console to the streaming output from the Biometric-EXP, the user can type –u COMx <filename> at
the prompt. In this command, COMx is the VCP COM port as shown in Figure 8, and the optional input <filename>
specifies the file in which the streaming data is to be stored. Note that if <filename> is not provided, the console
automatically stores the data to a default file. This default file is overwritten each time the demo is run.
The console also has the ability to playback recorded files. This is done by typing
–f filename
at the prompt. In
this command, filename specifies the source file containing the saved recording.
It is important to note that the USB debug interface is a one-way interface. Therefore, the applications can only
take the streaming data as an input. They do not allow the user to control the Biometric-EXP software.