Localization / Clock Settings
This sub-page only applies to devices running a VoIP protocol, and is used to configure the
localization settings of the device.
Enter the country (certain media hub devices require this information in order to communicate
with analog phones which follow different international standards).
If you wish for the device to automatically obtain the time via NTP, enter the NTP server address
for the network (if this address is left blank, a default public NTP server will be used, if
accessible). Select the time zone and whether or not adjust for daylight savings.
Press "Save Localization Settings" to save the new values. These settings will only take effect
when the device is rebooted.
SNMP Settings
This sub-page is used for configuring the device’s SNMP server. Configure the SNMP Trap Host
IP address and community, the SNMP read and write community parameters, and the SNMP
System Description and System Object ID parameters.
Press "Save SNMP Settings" to apply the new values. These settings will only take effect when
the device is rebooted.
Service Access Settings
If the device is a multi-interface device (bridge/router), then this sub-page is available to enable/