Rev 1.1
Communication Interfaces
Figure 8. SPI timing.
As mentioned above, the SPI architecture limits the byte rate since after every byte transfer the input and
output SPI buffers need to be cleared and loaded respectively by the device SPI engine. Data is
transferred between the input buffer and internal register buffers. The time required to perform this task
is indicated by
, which is the time interval between the end of one byte transfer and the beginning of
another. The recommended minimum time delay for
is 1
. The number of bytes transferred
depends on the register. It is important that the correct number of bytes is transferred for the associated
register, because once the first byte (MSB) containing the device register address is received, the device
will wait for the desired number of associated data bytes. The device will hang if an insufficient number of
bytes are written to the register. To clear a hung condition, the device will need an external hard reset.
The time required to process a command is also dependent on the command itself. Measured times for
command completions are typically between 50
to 300
after reception.
Writing the SPI Bus
The SPI transfer size (in bytes) depends on the register being targeted. The first byte sent is the register
address and subsequent bytes contain the data associated with the register. As data from the host is
being transferred to the device via the MOSI line, data present on its SPI output buffer is simultaneously
transferred back, MSB first, via the MISO line. The data returned is invalid for configuration registers. The
following figure shows the contents of a single 3-byte SPI command written to the device. The Hardware
Registers section provides information on the number of data bytes and their contents for an associated
register. There is a minimum of 1 data byte for each register even if the data
contents are “zeros”.
Figure 9. Example of a 3-byte write
Reading the SPI Bus
Data is simultaneously read back during a SPI transfer cycle. Requested data from a prior command is
available on the device SPI output buffers, and these are transferred back to the user host via the MISO
pin. To obtain valid requested data would require querying the SERIAL_OUT_BUFFER, which requires 8
bytes or 64 clock cycles; 1 byte for the device register (0x37) and 7 empty bytes (MOSI) to clock out the
returned data (MISO). An example of reading the device RF parameters (IF3 frequency) from the device is
shown in the following figure.
8 Bit Command/ Reg. Address
Byte N (MSB)
Byte N-1 (LSB)
Register Address
Byte 1
Byte 0