SC5305A Operating & Programming Manual
Rev 2.1.0
The SC5305A is a PXIe RF downconverter with all user I/O located on the front face of the module as
shown in Figure 1. Each I/O location is discussed in further detail below.
Figure 1. PXI Express chassis view of the SC5305A. Module is shown installed in slot 2.
All signal connections (ports) on the SC5305A are SMA-type, with the exception of the PXI backplane
clock connection (MCX connection). Exercise caution when fastening cables to the signal connections.
Over-tightening any connection can cause permanent damage to the device.
The condition of your system‘s signal connections can significantly affect measurement
accuracy and repeatability. Improperly mated connections or dirty, damaged or worn
connectors can degrade measurement performance. Clean out any loose, dry debris from
connectors with clean, low-pressure air (available in spray cans from office supply stores).
If deeper cleaning is necessary, use lint-free swabs and isopropyl alcohol to gently clean
inside the connector barrel and the external threads. Do not mate connectors until the
alcohol has completely evaporated. Excess liquid alcohol trapped inside the connector may
take several days to fully evaporate and may degrade measurement performance until fully
Tighten all SMA connections to 5 in-lb max (56 N-cm max)