SC5305A Operating & Programming Manual
Rev 2.1.0
Type Definitions
unsigned char bool;
typedef struct deviceAttribute_t
unsigned int productSerialNumber;
unsigned int rfModuleSerialNumber;
float firmwareRevision;
float loHardwareRevision;
float scHardwareRevision;
unsigned int *calDate; //size of 4 year,month,day,hour
unsigned int *manDate; //size of 4 year,month,day,hour
typedef struct calibrationData_t
float **rfCal;
// RF gain calibration
float **ifAttenCal; // IF attenuators calibration
float **ifFil0ResponseCal; // IF filter 0 response calibration
float **ifFil1ResponseCal; // IF filter 1 response calibration
float **tempCoeff; // temperature coefficients
float rfCalTemp; // temperature T0 at which calibration was done
float ifFilter1GainError; // Gain error when switched to filter 1 path
float ifFilter0Bw; // filter 0 BW in MHz
float ifFilter1Bw; // filter 1 BW in MHz
float invertGainError; // gain error when spectral inversion enabled
unsigned int tcxoDac; // The TCXO dac value at T0
typedef struct attenuator_t
unsigned int if3Atten2Value;
unsigned int if3Atten1Value;
unsigned int rfAttenValue;
unsigned int if1AttenValue;
typedef struct deviceStatus_t
bool tcxoPllLock;
bool vcxoPllLock;
bool lo1Pll3Lock;
bool lo2PllLock;