Sigma DP: The world's
new favorite camera series
“An amazing little camera”. That's
what people have been calling the
DP1, ever since its arrival. The DP1 was
the first in our new DP series of full-
spec compact digital cameras that –
uniquely and groundbreakingly – pack
the essence of an SLR into the body
of a compact. From its modest and
understated appearance you'd never
guess this camera could deliver such
ultra-high image quality. No wonder
everyone who's used it has been
dazzled by this amazing little camera.
Thanks to Sigma's proprietary three-
layered the Foveon X3® direct image
sensor, the images created by the DP1
have a unique 3-D look, along with the
kind of clarity and sharpness you'd
expect of a digital DSLR, something
you might create with a much
bigger camera. No wonder amateur
photographers and experts all over
the world have fallen in love with it.
Despite being small enough to carry
anywhere, the DP1 delivers picture
quality easily high enough to print
beautifully in large sizes. It's created a
new category – the full-spec compact
camera – and opened up new horizons
for many amateur photographers. This
is what makes Sigma happy. But after
all, it's just a natural result of sticking
with our photographic convictions.
Ordinary life.
That's where you get
extraordinary photos.
SLRs and other high-performance
cameras tend to be used as tools for
specific jobs. An expensive, large-
format camera tends to be brought
out for a clear-cut purpose: a family
celebration, a trip, a special event.
Those shots are fun to take, and
certainly pack an emotional punch.
But if you had to choose your own
best-ever picture, would it be one
you took on a special occasion?
We're guessing it wouldn't.
That glimpse of unexpected beauty
on your daily commute, early in the
morning or late in the evening. The
subtlety of human drama encountered
on a street corner. The dewy petal
of a nameless roadside flower. As
anyone who loves photography could
tell you, those crucial moments can't
be contrived. There's only one place
you find them: the often overlooked
corners of ordinary life.
The camera that grants
independence to the individual
Every photographer wants to capture
the emotion of that crucial moment,
and turn it into a fantastic shot.
The only cameras designed to do just
that, by combining the technology for
serious photographic expression with
highly-portable compactness, belong
to Sigma's DP series. Meshing neatly
with your personal lifestyle and your
inner life, the DP series is designed
to take you deeper into a whole new
world of photographic expression.
Sigma knows that your photos
express your most deeply personal
sensory experience. Your mental
landscape. That's exactly why we
want our cameras to give you more
independence, and more scope for
creativity. Following our deepest
convictions, we set out to design
a camera offering more creative
options for photographic expression.
Photos that Only You Could Take.