Use only accessories and chargers, that is designed for
this model. Do not use defected USB-cables or chargers.
Please do not short circuit battery equipment.
Interference might be caused by poor shielding
performance of medical devices such as hearing aids and
heart pacemakers in the use of radio frequency devices
including mobile phones. Consult medical device
manufacturer or your doctor before using mobile phone.
Please turn off the phone in which place posted notice
required to. These places include hospitals and rest
homes and other medical establishments. Because these
facilities may be using equipment sensitive to external RF
Do not use mobile phones while driving. Follow the rules
for using mobile phones while driving.
Keep your phone and all its parts and accessories out
from children and pets. They may accidentally
damage these things or choke small details.
Do not wash the phone while charging. It may cause the
electric shock. Be confident that USB-cable and charger
are off, before using the device
Do not use chemical reagents or abrasive cleanser,
otherwise it may damage the cabinet. Use only a damp or
anti-static cloth to wipe the mobile phone. Do not use dry
cloth with static electricity to wipe the phone.
Please do not put the mobile phone under direct
To avoid of getting heavy metals, acids, lye in water or
soil, causing significant damage to the environment,
utilize used battery according to the law. The legal