Phone numbers can be added from the phone
book. To turn on / off Alarm sound - press
Warning Tone.
In the main menu, select Organizer ->
Calculator, which allows you to perform simple
arithmetic operations. Enter a number and use
the keys to select the desired action: Up - Add,
Down - Subtract, Left - Multiplication, Right -
Divide, OK – Result
To go to the calendar menu, go to the main
Menu-> Organizer-> Calendar.
In the main menu, go to Organizer -> Alarm.
In this menu you can set 5 Alarms by adjusting
the time, melody and repeat mode: once, daily,
select days of the week.
Ebook reader
For reading texts in TXT format (UNICODE
encoding). Note! Book files must be on a
memory card in the EBOOK folder
File manager
This menu allows you to view files stored on a
memory card. It is possible to create folders,
rename and delete files.