SDM3055 Digital Multimeter III
Antistatic protection.
Static electricity will cause damages to the instrument, so test in antistatic
areas as far as possible. Ground its inner and outer conductors to release the
static electricity temporarily before connecting the cable to the instrument.
Keep good ventilation.
Improper ventilation will cause the rise of the instrument’s temperature. Keep
good ventilation and check the vent and fan regularly when using it.
Keep the surface of the instrument clean and dry.
Do not operate in wet or damp conditions.
Do not operate in flammable or explosive environment.
The disturbance test of all the models meets the limit values of A in the
standard of EN 61326-1:2013.
Input terminal protection limitation
Protection limitation is defined for the input terminal
1. Main input
HI and LO
HI and LO terminals are used for Voltage, Resistance, Capacitance,
Continuity, Frequency and Diode measurement. Two protection limitations
are defined:
HI-LO protection limitation:
1000VDC or 750AVC. It’s the maximum
measurable voltage. The limitation can be expressed as 1000Vpk.
LO-ground protection limitation
LO terminal can “float” 500Vpk
relative to the ground safely. The maximum protection limitation of HI terminal
relative to the ground is 1000Vpk. Therefore, the sum of the “float” voltage
and the measured voltage can’t exceed 1000Vpk.
2. Sampling (HI Sense and LO Sense) terminal
HI Sense and LO Sense are used for 4-wire Resistance measurement. Two
protection limitations are defined:
HI Sense-LO Sense protection limitation:
LO Sense-LO Sense protection limitation: