1/2" deep - be sure the hole is drilled at 90° and that it's centered
at the bottom of the rudder.
Insert the upright tailwheel wire stub into the hole just drilled. Slip
the metal tailwheel bracket over the wire onto the bottom front of
the rudder. Mark the location of the hole in the bracket onto one
side of the rudder. Remove the bracket and use a 3/32" dia. bit to
drill through the rudder at the mark just made. Place the tailwheel
wire back onto the rudder and slip the bracket in place, aligned
with the hole just drilled. Place a washer onto the 12mm bolt and
slip it through the bracket and out the other side of the rudder. Use
the remaining washer and hex nut to tighten the assembly firmly to
the rudder.
11) The rudder is now hinged to the vertical fin. Use the same
hinging method described earlier in Step 5 of the WING
ASSEMBLY instructions.
12) From the kit contents locate:
2 - 1.8mm (1/16") x 19.7cm (7-3/4") upper tail support wires
2 - 1.8mm x 15.5 (6-1/16") lower tail support wires
8 - Molded plastic support ends
3 - PM2 x 12mm bolts
3 - M2 hex nuts
1 - 2-56 x 3/8 slotted head bolt
These parts will be used to make the tail brace system. As shown,
the two longer wires are the upper brace wires and the two
shorter ones are the lower brace wires. The three PM2 x 12mm
bolts and nuts are used to secure the braces to the two outer holes
on each side of the stab and the single upper hole in the fin. The
2-56 x 3/8" bolt is used to pass through the two bottom brace ends,
into the 2-56 blind nut already installed in the fuselage.
The molded supports are first threaded onto the brace wires. A
little light oil on the wire threads will help in threading these
support ends in place. Adjust the plastic ends as needed to match
the holes in the flying surfaces without forcing them - the fit should
support, not pull or push the surface.
As shown, the molded
plastic support ends have their tips bent with pliers to conform to
the flat tail surfaces. These plastic parts bend easily and will retain
their shape. Just do it carefully. Once the lengths have been
adjusted and the tips bent to match the surfaces, bolt them in
place. We suggest using a little thread-locking compound on the
bolts to secure them against vibration.
13) From the kit contents locate: 4 - PWA2.3 x 8mm screws,
4 - clear silicon washers, 1 - 4-40 x 1" nylon bolt, and the canopy.
Use the 4-40 nylon bolt to secure the canopy hatch in place to the
fuselage. Press the four silicon washers into the four pre-drilled