attach the wing panels to the fuselage before gluing the stab in
place. This provides a good visual aid when checking the stab for
level and also for being square to the wings in the top view. Apply
glue to the bottom center of the stab and its center leading edge,
where it contacts the fuselage former. Slip the stab in place, being
careful to align it squarely and that the slot at the rear of the stab
is aligned with the fuselage sides. With the fuselage on a flat
surface, sight the model from the front.
The stab should be
absolutely aligned with the wings, without leaning to one side or
the other. If it is leaning, use a small weight or a little masking tape
to straighten it out. Allow the glue to set completely.
7) The vertical fin is now glued in place into the rear of the
fuselage - use 5-minute epoxy for the job to give you a little
working time. Apply glue to the exposed wood on both sides of the
fin base and to the bottom of the fin, where it contacts the stab.
Also apply glue to the fin tailpost, where it slips into the rear of the
fuselage - keep glue away from the elevator hole in the tailpost.
With the fin in place, sight the model from the front to make sure
the fin is absolutely 90° upright to the stab. If needed, use a little
masking tape to pull it into alignment. Wipe off any excess glue
using alcohol.
8) To be able to fit and hinge the elevators to the stabilizer, the
tailpost material must be cut away, allowing the elevator joiner wire
to fit against the stabilizer. A hole has been drilled through the
tailpost at this location. Use a razor saw to open up this slot.
9) The elevators are now hinged to the stabilizer.
Use the
same hinging method described earlier in Step 5 of the WING
ASSEMBLY instructions.
10) The tailwheel assembly is now prepared and attached to the
bottom of the rudder. From the kit contents locate: 1 pre-bent
tailwheel wire, 1 - 2mm wheel collar, 1 - metal tailwheel wire
bracket, 2 - M2 washers, 1 - PM2 x 12mm bolt, 1 - M2 hex nut, the
1" dia. tailwheel, and the Allen wrench for the wheel collar.
The tailwheel has two dissimilar sides - one side of the hub is
"dished" inward and the other side has its axle hole flush with the
hub. For mounting purposes, the "dished" side faces the wheel
collar. Simply slip the wheel in place onto the axle of the pre-bent
tailwheel wire, followed by the wheel collar. Leave a little play in
the wheel and use the Allen wrench to tighten and secure the
wheel collar to the axle. A little thread-locking compound on the
set screw will keep it firmly in place.
The tailwheel assembly is now mounted to the bottom front of the
rudder. Measure 1-1/8" back from the leading edge of the rudder
and mark this location onto the rudder at its bottom center. Use a
3/32" dia. bit and drill a hole into the bottom of the rudder about