9) Epoxy Glue the plywood Aileron Servo Mount in place. Use
enough glue to fill the gaps along the sides of the mount.
10) This step is OPTIONAL! Some R/Cers like to cover the wing
center joint with 1/2" wide plastic trim tape, or a 1/2" wide strip of
covering material "trim sheet", to give the wing a more finished
appearance. If you want to do this on your Kadet, your local hobby
shop should have a selection of trim sheet or wide striping tape in
various colors to do this.
The wing is now basically done.
Set it aside until you get to the section of the book titled
It is much easier to apply all the decals now, before the major parts
of the airplane are assembled.
1) Cut the decals for the Right Fin and the Left Fin out of the decal
sheet using a sharp modeling knife and straight edge. Trim as
close to the image as possible.
NOTE: Keep the black and red decals for each side of the Fin
together as one unit. In other words, do not seperate the black and
red parts that go on the same side of the Fin. Apply them as one
decal! There is no need to apply them as two seperate decals -
apply them as one unit to save time.
2) Putting large decals (like these for the Fin) on a model often
leaves unsightly air bubbles trapped underneath the decal. Here's
a method that eliminates the problem entirely!
First spray the surface of the Fin where the decal will be placed
with water mixed with a small amount of dish soap (you can also
use "SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner", "Fantastic
", or "409
" type cleaners). Then peel the paper backing
sheet completely off the decal, being careful not to let the sticky
side double over and adhere to itself. Place the decal onto the wet
surface of the model. The soapy water solution will keep the decal
from actually sticking to the model until you have had time to shift
it around into exact position. Once you have it in position, use a
piece of stiff cardboard (or sheet balsa, thin plywood, or a SIG
SH678 Epoxy Spreader) to squeegee the excess soapy water out
from under the decal.
Mop up the water with a paper towel.
Squeegee repeatedly to get as much of the soapy water out from
under the decal as possible.
3) Turn the Fin over and apply the decal to the other side in the
same manner.
4) Apply the Windshield decal next. This piece is small enough
that you can apply it dry, without using any soapy water. Note in
the picture that it should go on flush with the bottom of the plywood
windshield. Also notice that there is approximately 1/4" overhang
on each side of the front decal. Wrap this overhang down onto the
sides of the fuselage.
5) Apply all 3 Left Side Windows in one piece. Do not cut them
apart! Applying them as a single piece will allow you to keep them
lined up with each other. Use the soapy water method outlined in
Step 2 to allow you to slide the Side Windows into perfect
alignment with the Windshield.
Once you have them properly
positioned, squeegee the soapy water from underneath the Side
Windows. Then apply the Right Side Windows in the same
manner you did the Left Side Windows.
6) Cut out and apply the decals to the top of the wing. Apply wet.
7) Allow all the decals to dry overnight! When completely dry,
wash off any soap smears with a clean wet rag.