General Note: Cover the plans with wax paper before assembling your model to prevent the parts from sticking to the plan.
Building the Tail Surfaces
Join R-1 and R-2 together over the plan to make the fin. Temporarily hinge the rudder (R-3) to the fin (R-1). Do not glue
the hinges at this time. Bend the tail wheel wire to shape and glue it into position into the bottom of the rudder.
Join the elevators using the 1/8 dowel. Use the plan of the stabilizer as a guide. Trim the dowel if required to achieve the
proper length.
Temporarily hinge the elevators to the stabilizer. Do not glue the hinges at this time.
Sand the tail surfaces smooth and round all of the edges except the bottom edge of the fin.
Building the Fuselage
Assemble the fuselage side by gluing parts F-1 and F-2 together.
Glue the plywood doubler F-3 to the inside of each fuselage side. Be sure that you make a left and right side. The doubler
goes on the inside of each side.
Cut two strips from the 6 piece of 3/32 x 1/4 and glue to the front face of former F-9. Glue the fuselage top pieces F-7A
and F-7B together.
Lay the right fuselage side on the building board and glue former F-4 into position 90 degrees to the fuselage side.
Glue former F-5 into position 90 degrees to the fuselage side.
Place the left fuselage side into position on the the formers. Now glue the formers F-4 and F-5 to the left fuselage side.
Pull the front fuselage sides together and glue former F-6 into position.
Pull the aft end of the fuselage together and hold with two cloths pins.
Place formers F-9 and F-10 into position and glue to the fuselage sides.
Place the fuselage top (F-7) and glue to the fuselage starting at the front and working toward the rear. Glue the aft ends of
the fuselage sides together making sure that they are 90 degrees to the top.
Glue part F-8 into position on the bottom front of the fuselage. Glue the lower rear fuselage (F-11) into position.
Glue former F-12, F-13 and F-14 to the front of the fuselage.
Cut the fuselage nose block into two pieces and glue into position on the forward bottom of the fuselage.
Mount the engine on the mount and position the mount on the front of F-12 so that the spinner is aligned properly with F-
14. Mark the location of the mount on the front of F-12 and drill the holes in F-12 for the motor mount screws.
Glue the fuel tank supports (F-20) into position. You may have to trim them to the proper length before installation.
Assemble the fuel tank and fit it into place in the fuselage.
Mark the front of F-12 for the location of the throttle pushrod and fuel and vent lines. Remove the motor mount from the
model and drill the holes in F-12.
Mount the motor and the mount on the front of the fuselage and install throttle servo and throttle pushrod. Now remove the
engine from the model.