Use Sig Slow Cure epoxy to join the two wing panels together. Apply the glue
generously to the end ribs, Work some glue into the joiner slots and coat the
hardwood joiner. Carefully slide the wing halves into place and hold them in the
proper alignment with tape until the epoxy cures. Wipe away any excess epoxy
that oozes from the center joint with a paper towel or a rag dampened with
isopropyl alcohol before the glue cures. Be careful that the leading and trailing
edges of the two wings are perfectly aligned and that there is no built in twist.
Installing The Aileron Servo And Pushrods
For the following steps you will need:
1 each Joined wing with ailerons installed
1 each 3mm Plywood Aileron Servo Tray
1 each Aileron Servo
2 each 2mm x 200mm Pushrod
2 each 2mm Nylon R/C Links
2 each 2mm Solder R/C Links
Center the 3mm Plywood Aileron Servo
Tray over the cutout in the top of the
wing. The tray has a doubler glued to
one end to make it thicker. This end is
the front. When properly positioned, use
a felt tip pen to mark the front and back
Remove the servo tray and carefully cut
the covering away from the areas where
the servo tray makes contact with the
wing. Now use thin C/A to glue the
servo tray into position.
Test fit the aileron servo in the servo
tray. The servo output arm should be
facing the trailing edge of the wing. The
servo tray may be trimmed slightly to
allow the servo to fit. Also, the center
wing ribs may interfere with the wire
where it exits the servo. If this is the
case you may trim away the ribs as
Note: We recommend using servo output arms for the aileron servos. The arms should be at 90 deg. to the servo when the
aileron control stick on the transmitter is in neutral an the transmitter trims are in neutral as well.
Fit the servo into the servo mount in the
wing panel. Take up any slack in the
servo cable as you insert the servo by
pulling on the end of the cable where it
exits the top of the of the wing. Use a
pin vise and a small drill bit to drill small
pilot holes in the servo mount for the
servo mounting screws. Use the screws
supplied with your radio system to
mount the servo securely in place on
the servo tray.
Thread one of the 2mm Nylon R/C Links onto the 2mm x 200mm Pushrod so that
the barrel of the connector is centered on the threaded section of the pushrod.
Attach the Nylon R/C Links and pushrod to the second to last hole in the aileron
servo output arm. Place a 2mm Solder R/C Link into the hole in the fitting on the
aileron torque rods.. Hold the aileron pushrod against the solder link. Make sure
that the servo is still in the neutral position and tape the aileron into approximately
neutral position. Mark the pushrod wire 1/8" beyond the end of the center barrel
of the solder link.